Cap on creating gaps

There is. It’s right under the icon that leads to the path. Or at least it should be and is on Android.

I just want to make sure, this is a crafting cap at a time right? this isn’t a crafting cap per day?


Yeah, I just meant I wish there was one in battle like was being talked about so I don’t have to leave whatever mode I’m in to check :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood.

Yeah, either/both should be present in the battles.

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cap is good, however, i want to have a better interface of crafting, like [min, -, enter number, +, max]. or, actually min and max is not important, [-, enter number, +] is fine. if player want the max, just enter the number or click [-] 2 times (1->0 → max). cause i was crafting certain number of deeds or traitstones, but cant enter number for it.
also, introduce x0 into the interface and give a false alarm, rather than max it immediately, in case something like GaP happen in future.

TIL you could craft stack GAPs. I’ve been going and doing the crafting one by one.


How so? Missing out on the chance to get a full drop.

I am not doubting you @Sinnycool. I didn’t not know this, nor have read anything about it. Knowledge is power. So just learning here.

Dark Avengers 2

Reportedly, while the GAP timer is active all Gnome reward quantities (except Vault Keys with their x1 drop quantity) are reduced by 50% or something. Once the GAP timer expires mid-battle, that last gnome battle gives full gnome rewards.

So by crafting 2x GAPs, you get 30 minutes at half rewards + 1 battle at full rewards, where by crafting them individually you get 30 minutes at half rewards + 2 battles at full rewards.

its actually reduced by a variable percentage, that is dependent on both the difficulty of the fight, and how fast you win it. For example, if you do explore 1, you get like 20-ish% of the rewards no matter how long the fight takes, because the difficulty is the limiting factor. On E12, if you finish in about 20 seconds, you get closer to 50% of rewards, and if you take like a minute you will get closer to like 80% of the rewards.

It’s a balance between the percentage of rewards you want to earn vs. the number of battles you get through. If you are doing a GaP outside of a vault event, you probably want to do E12. If you are doing it inside a vault event, the extra vault keys you get from the nearly twice as many battles you get through become incredibly worth the lost reward percentages. Either style is perfectly fine in either situation, the amount of worth just leans in those directions.


This is technically correct.
However, in actual gameplay, the goal is, almost always, to gain vault keys (both regular & epic), running E1 explore to shorten battles as much as possible. Letting the timer run out for full rewards is only optimal if you get a rare gnome (cursed or dragonite) with very little time left.
Even if it’s just a minute, it’s highly likely that you shorted yourself vault keys by not playing at top speed.
Not to mention that ONE extra drop at full rewards is usually not all that much, strictly speaking. Maybe you’ll get lucky with a Treasure Gnome, and get a huge drop of gold or gems. Or maybe 5 diamonds or 2 stones…
It just depends on what you’re grinding for. If you run a palooza for Dragonite & Cursed runes, then go highest level, make sure the battle lasts at least a minute, and retreat if neither of the two gnomes you’re looking for pops up. I know several guildmates who have verses to burn, but need dragonite/runes, do it that way.
For the rest of us, speedrun at E1 as fast as possible to get them keys, since vault keys pay out far more resources than palooza’s do.


Heck yeah. Switch should be having a Vault Weekend starting tomorrow, so I think I’ll run a team of 4x The Great Wyrm to see how fast that goes. (My current go-to is a Slayer team with Horned Asp and Spirit Fox, if I can match Purple on turn 1 then it’s over in 2 turns because Asp downs 3 foes while the last one bleeds to death).

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yea, i run a sacrificial priest soul farm team on E1 when doing GaPs, but if i se a dragonite gnome in the last like 5 minutes ill sit in that fight til it ends, simply because where i’m at, i value the dragonite super heavily. This way i’m farming souls at 100% speed, vault keys at roughly 70-80% speed, and get a decent chunk of dragonite typically every other GaP. I had one the other day though where i got 2 dragonite gnomes in the first 3 minutes and i was very sad, because that was DEFINITELY not worth waiting for.

I do this every GaP and in actual gameplay, I’m only waiting a few extra seconds for the last match to end after the GaP timer runs out. At most, 10 seconds if the timing of the battles is really bad. I’m not losing anything waiting because I wouldn’t be able to start another battle before GaP ends.

Of course, I’m also in the minority that can’t stand grinding gnomes any more and only do 1 GaP at a time regardless.

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I wish my results were as positive as these lol

Great point Sinnycool. I agree, 1 at a time is Optimal


It’s per craft - so you can still craft more than an hour’s worth if you want but you just have to do it in sets of whatever the cap is (pretty sure that is going to be 4)


We got lapina healer, along with 50 gems in the message tab for the bugged lapina explorer in faction shop.

Lapina healer should be available in 3-4 weeks, and I will bring up a bug report in November if I can’t get it.

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