Can we please have cedric taken out of vault key drops

Can we have cedric removed from the epic key and vault key reward? An epic vault key reward that has cedric in it is anything but


I think it would be good to adjust his weighting based on the number already owned. A new player will absolutely still need to get 1 or more of him.


The game really needs to change the drop rules for so many troops to the exact same rules we have for the Guardians in the Guild Chests. Once the troop is mythic and you have 4 of it, it stops dropping. Any troop that you can get from the Vault should be like this as well as the dragons you get from the eggs.


What will happen, when eggs do no longer have allowed drops?

then they should be unavailable to craft and disappear from the options in the soul forge.

After that, they can just put out a cycle of 6 peasants + a boss peasant yearly and just change the kind of hat they’re wearing to make with dragonite and call it a day. They can’t be any worse than the generic event troops we get shoveled with.

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Then they become uncraftable. Just like if you get the dragons and then craft the weapons that require them and dragonite. Once you have them it, you don’t need more of them.

Then maybe the devs will come up with another use for dragonite or it will become just another resource that accumulates as its no longer needed just like so many others.