Can we please have an option to check which scrolls we get from Tower of Doom after the chamber's completed?

Thank you, and all the others that actually provided a useful discussion on this topic. What I’ve requested (and apparently so have others over the years) is to simply have the already existing screen with a “?” reveal the scroll after it’s completed. ToD is one of my favorite events, and I feel like something as simple as adding this feature would improve the QoL of many players other than me when scouting floors. If you’re in an active guild, everyone is already communicating so the notion that it may reduce communication amongst guild members is completely asinine.


No one said anything about reducing communication amongst guild members…

It’s mentioned in every post I bumped. I figured you would know that since you yourself mentioned there were other posts on this discussion.


Obviously not redundant if it had information in it that you didn’t get elsewhere.


The topic is redundant.

Some random person saying that it would reduce communication amongst guild members is not a redundant counter point.

Unless youre saying that this information has relevance to the discussion on this thread.