Can we please get a down vote icon

No idea why I said “please”, cause I don’t think the devs listen to us at all!
But I do think a down vote icon would help, it would make it much more clear how badly this new features/update is received by the community.

This PVP update is basically pushed down our throats and is getting massive negative feedback that only gets ignored by the looks of it. Part of that reason might be that it is too much to read. The other part might be that because of the time, energy and resources that have been put into this massive game overhaul there is just no way they can go back on their decissions.

To me it feels like a massive wrong turn that is tanking the game incredibly fast!

My guild lost 4 members over this update and recruiting new members has become near impossible!
We might lose even more members.

I am disgusted with the direction the company took with this game.

I am done with spending money on this game.
I supported this game for years and am a level 1600+ player
I will give it a little more time but I might be done with this game all together!

A BIG downvote from me on this update!


everyone should be happy like on YouTube. no downvotes
There are no dislikes on Steam either. everyone should be happy :sweat_smile:
you can indirectly understand what visitors don’t like when there are very few likes