Can someone please explain legendary tasks

i have known for a while no just how bad LTs are. Even after know this i just dropped a massive 100M on them for my guild. however even for 100 the rewards were poor. what i am wanting explained is for 1M per task how is it legendary, the basic rewards are better!

Rhetorical… But it’s “legendary” because every award is up to x30. Our guild can do 10, 50, and 100 LTs. Can’t remember the last time we pulled a mythic. Garbage.


Legendary tasks have always been considered as a bonus for the guilds that are able to complete this. Can’t really expect them to give anywhere near relative rewards to the basic task rewards, otherwise the “top guilds” would be getting tons more stuff than others.

Your 100m donation should have given everybody in your guild around 300 gem keys most likely. Which is a 30% chance to get a new mythic from gem chests on average. Also glory and event keys too.

The rewards might seem bad to you personally but they are given to everyone else in your guild too.


They’re horribly outdated loot-wise as well. Since we know gems will never be readded, they need more modern loot in them to regain their 'Legendary" feel. Jewels, cursed runes, dragonite, writs/deeds, shiny keys, orbs. Maybe even talismans and trinkets too, since I can’t think of any reason someone would buy them on purpose.


We do LTs once a month and get a Mythic most times.

We’re currently doing LTs this week and pulled a Mythic yesterday, within hours of starting LTs.

We do LTs from Mondays on. Very rarely a (new) mythic. But at least I got my 2nd Ubastet this week. Can’t complain.

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We spam LTs on Mythic Fridays and at will. No one cares anymore. We have all mythics anyways.