Can someone explain me ?!

There is really a problem with the ranking.

I am ranked 26 000th with more than 400 fights, while some are in the top 100.

I noticed the same thing today, and posted a message on our guild which pointed me here. Today, I extracted this from the leader board:

That person scored an average of 70.5 per PvP win. He’s not exactly a beginner at level 1324, is he? I am a few levels less than that, but in the same ballpark. My win average (doing ONLY level 3 PvP battles, so including lots of Divine meta opponents) is 47.9 . How is this disparity even vaguely possible? I hear the arguments about “… he’s in a low level guild” and " …his guild’s not got all statues completed" (both of which seem mildly irrelevant) but… even if they ARE relevant…surely they do not account for a >40% advantage to a player? This scoring really does need a review

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if you are high level, but in a low guild you get more points per battle

Nope… that’s not the answer … so here’s another one today. Not in a low guild. Audles is in GW bracket 5 and is currently the 44th top guild . This player’s average PvP win is 71.5 :

If a guild doesn’t do legendary tasks. Then they are able to score more PvP points than guilds who complete legendary tasks. Gold in battles is tied to PvP points. If a guild does legendary Tasks then the gold they can make it PvP is nerfed.

It’s totally unfair. The more we are strong, the less we gain point … We must do double battles to have the same ranking.


I think 5* kingdoms makes a difference too

Both of my accounts are in the same guild but my lower level one gets more pvp points and gold

This account has 8 5* kingdoms. I’m level 645 now but still get the same gold and pvp points. My average is 70 pvp points

This account has all kingdoms at least 5*. The maximum pvp points I can get is 52 but my average is 30 to 40

It’s really not fair that my higher level account gets less gold and pvp points just because I spent more time and effort maxing out my troops to get everything to 5*

Good thing about the new kingdom star requirements is that I can max out my troops but forget the weapons and keep all my kingdoms below 5* to keep my gold higher