Campaign task requests to infiltrate Maugrim. How would I do that? Infiltrations are only availabe to me in the underworld. In Krystara there are only explorations.
I’m playing with the german version tho, maybe it’s translated a bit awkward there.
Thanks for any hint on that.
It’s just regular explore Maugrim.
People complain about their English text all the time, but every other language is always far worse.
So, keep an eye out on the below thread next time the German (or any other language including English) is wrong.
Here is an updated graphic showing how to quickly complete tasks. As @Magnusimus states vault keys are a hard to come by resource so be sure you really want to spend it for this task. If you have the time to spare and would be doing explore anyway (perhaps for traitstone farming) then maybe see if you encounter treasure gnomes this way to complete the task. Whatever you find fun and suits your play style. Anyhow, here’s the graphic. Feel free to share with your guilds/alliances
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