Campaign will not register glory earned in battle

Platform, device version and operating system:

iOS, iPhone 15 Pro, Recent iOS

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The Campaign wants me to earn glory in battles, but it won’t allow me to do so. I’ve done a bunch of tier II trials which give glory, but it won’t register at all.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This is a consistent issue, I’ve closed and restarted the game but it won’t recognise me earning glory.

Steps to make it happen again
This is still ongoing.

It only counts glory earned from pvp battles. Although you also earn glory from underspire, underworld, adventure board tasks, gnomes and kingdom trials, this is unfortunately not a bug and has been reported many times.
Easiest solution would be to reword this task to let the players know what to do.

Underspire glory counts towards that task too.

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