Campaign Requirements

I know the devs don’t listen, and what I’m about to suggest may not be to everyone’s liking but, please, remove the requirement to play PVP battles during the campaigns!

This week, the 50 star requirement was to gain 100 glory from battles (apart from training). Unless I’m mistaken, the only battles that give us glory are PVP ones. I hesitate to use the word ‘forced’ but when we are unable to continue with the campaign unless that requirement is fulfilled, we are technically ‘forced’ to do PVP if we want to continue the campaign. With the state PVP is currently in, I think this is a very unfair requirement.

For example, my item level is a little over 11,000, yet when trying to find opponents I can compete with, I’m having to spend countless gems because I’m mostly matched with opponents a good 5000+ item level higher than me. This is both expensive in gems and extremely time-consuming especially after I’ve decided to have a go at a match and am consequently defeated because the opponent is simply too strong for me.

The only reason I carried on with this was because I’d paid for the extra pass (I can’t remember what the actual title of it is) so I’d get all the rewards, not just the basic ones. I won’t be making that mistake again. So I’d like to see the PVP matching to be much fairer, or removed as a requirement for the campaigns.

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Underspire’s glory counts towards that task too, worth remembering that.


I stand corrected then. Thank you.

Save yourself some gems and just start a PvP battle and immediately quit. It doesn’t cost you anything, unless you care about your wins/losses numbers, and it reshuffles the enemy selection screen just as if you’d spent gems. Can’t make the devs improve the game, but hopefully that’s one small thing that helps you. Don’t blame you for not wanting to buy passes again, though.

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