Campaign Ending: Amatiel's Prison

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Campaign Ending Soon The final week of the Campaign is upon us! This is your last chance to earn rewards from the Campaign, or purchase an Elite Pass to earn some of the following rewards. Amatiel Once the campaign ends, you will need to wait 3-4 weeks to try and find her in chests. Amatiel’s…

Has anyone managed to find a way to make Amatiel feel useful?

I keep looking and I just don’t see it.


I don’t think there is anything to see. Trying to make her better, just makes you think of Solarithus and Gaard’s Avatar, and you realize how bad she is.

If she could bless the whole team with a little mana accumulation (maybe explode half the yellow gems like aquatics), while dealing AOE damage it would be okay, but she can’t even do that.:rofl:


Maybe if her spell boosted by Angel Gems, similar to how Nyar’Mel boosts by Stone Blocks?

As it stands, the bonus damage is linked specifically to Undead/Daemon teams (theoretically up to +80, which is nothing to sneeze at but most practical examples are +40 or less) and they forgot to punctuate the wording of her 3rd trait.

I just don’t think that’s enough. I can’t get enough Angel Gems on the field in a convenient time period for it to matter and nothing makes enough Angel Gems like Gargoyle Gem troops (especially Groevanga) can.

My biggest problem is that its 24 mana and does basic damage unless you hit its boost ratio. It has a gimmick (explode all angel gems) which I appreciate, since its better than just do damage, but… I can’t get enough angel gems on the field to make it any more better than just flavor text.

If it I compare it to King of Ravens, King can make 2 spirit gems per turn and explodes its gimmick gems and purple gems incase there’s no gimmick gems. King of Ravens is like the working version of Amatiel could/should have been.

Right now, Amatiel is like a worse version of Fallen Valdis and that’s not a good place to be. Fallen Valdis: same mana cost, similar damage output without boost ratio, better explode gimmick, silence divine enemies which is a nice effect if it wasn’t 24 mana. Fallen Valdis was already a low/bad tier mythic.

I think in this order, I would like to see:

  1. Change the 3rd trait to make an Angel gem on 4/5 gem match. If not, buff Create 1 Angel Gem when my turn begins to Create 2 Angel Gem when my turn begins. (even Aravatar does 2)

1b. and Lower the mana cost to 20. Not 24 mana. 22 mana would be fair, but not amazing.

  1. If it won’t get a mana reduction, then it needs a damage buff to be worth 24 mana.

  2. Or if we really want to be experimental, it should create 1 Angel gem per Green/ Yellow/ Purple ally (preferably not yellow since there’s already a lot of yellow cleanse/blessers), then explode all angel gems → rest of its current spell

Currently, the only time I’d want to see this troop currently is on a level 1-100 player account where boost ratios matter, but then do I really want to do what this troop is doing at 24 mana? I don’t know.


I like your comparison to king of ravens. Maybe that’s what it was when I couldn’t figure out how to make her better. King of ravens works because he gets back a good portion of his mana while slowly whittling down the enemy team through mana drain and damage.

They honestly should update her based off of his concept and replace her first trait with song of light and then have her final trait convert 2 yellow gems to angel gems when her turn begins. If she exploded all yellow and angel gems, she would feel much better.

I know that the king of ravens only hits the last 2 enemies, but mana drain can be hard to counter against. Bless gets removed whenever a troop takes an action, so it would be justified that she should do full AOE damage while having a similar follow-up.

It seems like they wanted to make her counter undead and daemons, but like fallen valdis, the boost ratio hardly does anything. It would be nice to talk with the developers about all of this, but those days are long gone…

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