Burning status illegible on Yellow troops

Okay, for today’s episode of Design Fails™ let’s play a game:

In the screenshot below my Hero is currently Burning, but a second Troop below them is also Burning. Can you guess which one?

the answer

If you said “Priestess”, you’re correct!

This is a problem.

Please move the Armor/Life stats back to their prior location – these are the stats that literally determine when a Troop lives or dies, so they MUST be placed in a clear, prominent location for the user to monitor them. (And of course move the Trait icons somewhere else, like onto the Mana ribbon instead?)

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Its not that hard to see Burn.

There’s also the secondary:


Poison is worse… Faerie Fire covers up the Green Heart and the green bubbles are hidden by other status effects. Then again, I dont think anyone cares about Poison of all things when dealing with Essence of Evil.

Yeah, and it’s also not new with the 7.0 update.

Here’s another fun riddle: One of the troops in this image has a Blessing effect. Guess which one.

I admit, that was easy due to positioning, it’s the Webspinner.

Telling it from the image alone would be hard though. And yes, I know the bug has been adressed.

Bless is currently not placed correctly, it’s behind the troop image, like they are farting sunshine. There’s already a bug report for it.

… which explains a lot about my horrendous guild war results from wednesday onwards.
I had seen the topic when it was created, but did not do the math on what that means in non-widescreen settings. You have to admit, this can and will kill you.