Buff Immortal Lucifa and Immortal Sagittarian. 2 of your major selling points of Update 8.0

No hyperbole, no major details needed.

If I had a choice to buy these directly, I wouldn’t. Why?

These troops have no business doing as low as 3 damage. If I do double damage in their home location, I can do 6 damage. … hurray?

Ignore these troops for all I care. Just don’t be surprised if people aren’t excited by the next new seasonal Immortals if the next ones do 3 damage.


Also, what the heck is “true random damage”? :roll_eyes:

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The 3-59 is what random damage is referring to.

Agree it’s terrible.

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False random damage (usually just called random damage) means that you’ll almost always roll min damage (3 in this case), the AI almost always rolls max damage (59 in this case). True random damage means that both sides play by the same rules (for the first shot in this case, the other 3 are false random damage). :smirk:


I would compare the damage range of immortal Lucfia and Sagittarian to troops like Aeries and Tina-9000, but even those mythics don’t have the chance to do basically no damage.

The devs need to remove the damage range roll altogether or recalculate how these immortals deal damage because it looks like they deal 3-(magic × 1.33) + 2), with the unfortunate chance of dealing only 3 damage.

It just looks like a mistake to make these immortals do barely any damage, especially Lucfia. The devs probably need to set (magic × 1.0 to × 1.33), or something because it makes these troops much less powerful.

@Kafka @Bramble, please help us and report these immortals to the dev team.:+1:


I get that.

But immortal Sagittarian does: “Deal 3-59 true random damage to an enemy and 3 random enemies…”

And immortal Lucifa deals “3-59 true damage” to all enemies.

I was making fun of the redundant text on the Sagittarian troop. :wink:


AFAIK, there is ONE (1) other troop in the game that starts at a flat 3 dmg. Sword Maiden, ultra rare

It’s already weak for an ultra rare

It is ludicrous for the immortals

So I agree with your point, but I think it’s being much too generous to even mention TINA in the same sentence :wink:


I agree that Tina-9000 is a fantastic mythic that is much better than these immortals for many reasons. I wanted to compare the damage range of these immortals to the death-bot, but I have disrespected one of my favorite mythics in the process…:rofl:


Next new PvP troop will be “Immortal Rat Swarm”


You’re too kind.

The next new PvP seasonal troop will be “Immortal Peasant”. Followed by “Immortal Ogre”.


“Immortal Cash Cow”


These Immortals are so much weaker than all of the others due to this low roll. Please change the 3 to have magic scaling.


If they want to have a lower number and a “range”, all they have to do is change the “3” to “(half)”. There are plenty of troops out there using that paradigm now, some of who are pretty good and see regular deployment in a variety of modes.