Broken Guild War Bracketing

I like this kind of idea, but perhaps to expand on it (and somewhat referencing an idea about a ‘pool’ put forward by @HugeOgre here: Guild War Improvement for all (?)), perhaps all positions in Brackets 41+ 101+ (Eugh, 41+ sounded so much more appealing - let’s revisit this) could be determined solely on Points earned in the previous war, taking into account Guilds moving down from Bracket 40 100, of course.

(Edits - I believe I may have misinterpreted the below graphic!)

This Bracket was chosen, because this is where the current reward tiers begin to increase, as shown here (10 Guilds per Bracket):

This would give all Guilds a chance each week to fight their way into the Brackets with better rewards; and they don’t get better rewards without proving themselves against other Guilds that have also scored very well the week before.

In addition, I had typically always thought it would be a good idea to give some kind of reward for winning a Bracket, but in all my brainstorming, I think I tended to end up with the same conclusion as Sirrian, here:

Relevant historical note/post: