Bring Back Boss Indicator

(TL;DR at the end)

Gather round, children, and listen to a tale from eons past, one where the world of Krystara looked very different from how it does today.

There exists a type of monster so ferocious, so deadly, that they are only found in the darkest depths of Dungeons, crafted through the most difficult forms of arcane Soulforging, or locked in other realms, summoning demons to our world during Raids. The ancients refer to these beings as “Bosses.”

Long ago, bosses were able to be identified by a red glow in their eyes, fueled by the blood of our slain brothers and sisters. Below is an artistic rendering by @Honest_Rob of how this blood-red color made it easier to identify and target in battle.

This trademark red made it easier for our troops to know which foul beast to target (or avoid) in combat. Somewhat recently, however, for reasons unknown to us mortals, the glow has faded from the eyes of the so-called Bosses, making it more difficult to identify them in the chaos that is war. While our veteran comrades can easily identify Bosses from experience, our newer friends often struggle to determine which monster to be most wary of, leading to more casualties than I’d like to admit.

Below is a painting I mocked up myself of a battle with a Boss Bone Dragon found in the murky Dungeon depths, which, as you can see, lacks any signifier that is is stronger than its allies or different from your standard Bone Dragon.

As you can see, the Bone Dragon has lost its once-gleaming red eyes.

I pray to the gods of this realm that they would bring about a sign for our armies to be able to distinguish Bosses once more. The lives it would save would be as innumerable as the amount of portals we’ve closed to keep these fiends at bay.

Please either show troop rarity somewhere on the battle cards and/or have a special marking to help players identify Boss troops :smile:


Agreed, I really miss the colored borders generally.

Now, obviously in high-tier PVE battles all cpu cards are necessarily ascended to Mythic and I definitely get tired of seeing cyan borders everywhere … but:

  • Boss cards are a special tier of Mythics, and they kind of deserve the visual distinction.
  • I wish for an option to display card borders based on its BASE rarity (not current rarity).

I always found it odd that boss cards were coloured based on troop type, when all others were coloured based on rarity.

Boss is not a rarity. If it were you could level it to 21, and ascend a mythic to boss rarity with extra copies or a blue orb.