Bounty Weekend - Yeti Cub

Originally published at: Bounty Weekend – Yeti Cub – Gems of War

New Bounty Troop: Yeti Cub Yeti Cub from Glacial Peaks, is this weekend’s Bounty Captain. Yeti Cub will be available in the Bounty Shop, and will appear in Gold, Glory and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

Now that the event is over and it’s Monday, I have to mention that this was one of the most sadistic bounty events in a while, and it’s already a pretty painful event.

The final battle featured a full team of individually powerful dragons (dragotaur, dragonian Monk, dragon Spirit, and Lord Ember.) Against a player team of only bounty hunter troops.

That was painful.

I don’t think it was quite as bad as the last time we had a Naga Bounty weekend, but Dragonian Monk’s Barrier spam and Dragon Spirit’s reliable Enchants were DEFINITELY difficult to deal with (even without having any red users for Lord Ember to fill up). Then you have Dragotaur giving everyone a massive Attack buff ultimately resulting in random one-shots from Skull matches regardless of when you take out who.

My go-to Bounty team is Crysturtle, Man-At-Arms and Tigraki Warrior (who counters Dragotaur’s Armor buff quite nicely) but this is still a team with an eggshell defense (DO NOT lose Crysturtle if you can help it).

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My go-to Bounty farming team is Ogress, Tigraki Warrior, Soldier of Wrath. (With the Bounty Captain 4th and largely irrelevant to my planning.) By the time I reach the most difficult fights, my “strategy” is to fill the two damage-dealers and to hit a single enemy back-to-back to eliminate it, focusing on Valravens first and then enemies in the order I find them most obnoxious with a bias towards leaving the front unit alone.

Dragonian Monk wasn’t an issue for me because I’d usually pulverize him pretty quickly. Dragon Spirit was a nuisance, both with the Enchant and because his Spell Armor meant my two offensive troops couldn’t kill him casting back-to-back – he’d have a smidge of life remaining.

But it still wasn’t that bad. The top-end enemy teams didn’t have a ton of potential damage output unless Dragotaur cast a bunch of times, and their looping mechanisms were relatively ineffective because the converter didn’t fill any of their other troops.

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