Bone Dragon, one question

I’d love to see something like a Dev target list. What they’re looking at and considering changing, so that we can know what to expect.

For Bone Dragon, I honestly don’t have any good solutions to propose. Only thing I can think of is to change his spell, but in a way that keeps the feeling of “stripping the flesh”, which I know they’re already working on. Oh, and raising the mana cost by one would slow it down quite a bit, as it can currently get to max in two surges at +1 of its mana color. I’d still vouch for a cost of 16 though.

For Guardians, my proposed change is simple. Firstly, halve Justice’s boost ratio. That’s absurd. Secondly, just make it so that they can’t spawn skulls.

For EK, giving him two extra magic and changing true damage to regular works. He’d STILL be incredibly strong, but he’d fit well in the 14-16 mana range as opposed to the like 18-20 mana worth of value you can get out of a cast now.

I do not think Famine needs a nerf. It is too slow, already. Maybe increase cost again?

Also I’d like to see a jump in mana cost on Deep Borer to 10. Because having it at 9 just feels dirty. And not the kind of dirty you get from digging down deep in the earth. At 9, it’s possible to get him full in one gem match, even without the Mechanist trait. +2 blue banner (Lion?) is all it needs with that Water Link trait it has. And that just enables a bunch of free brown gems that empower things like Famine or EK or Bone Dragon. ESPECIALLY Bone Dragon.

I’d like to see buffs to a lot of troops, though. Archon Statue is something I’d like to see a bit of love for, personally. For legends, Carnex, Gloom Leaf, and Venoxia come to mind immediately for slight reworks. Webspinner could use a little buff as well. Maybe a point or two more Magic?


Nerf BD, Khorv, Guardians, Justice in particular, and Deep Borer
Leave Famine alone. Famine is fine.
Buff: Archon Statue, Carnex, Venoxia, Webspinner, and Gloom Leaf