Bogus hint text for "Transform"

The hint box for “Transform” spells (e.g. Baby Dragon) says “The level cannot exceed its maximum level in its owner’s collection”.

While this is technically correct, because the transformed troop’s level is actually equal to its current level in its owner’s collection, which logically cannot exceed its maximum level, this is bogus as it doesn’t really tell you what is going to happen, and is confusing to new players. Why not just say exactly this: “Its level equals to its current level in its owner’s collection”?

It definitely could be better, but I think it would be inaccurate for a different reason to phrase it that way — the text of this transform hint is used universally in game for both friendly transforms, like baby dragon, and unfriendly transforms, like lycanthropy. (or dragon eye, etc)

With lycanthropy, the transform gives you a random beast at half the level of the original troop. For an example, this just happened in an invasion battle for me—my lvl 18 panda got transformed into a level 9 carrion crow, even though carrion crow is at lvl 20 in my collection.

I think the edge case that the existing text is covering about not exceeding level is, if carrion crow was at lvl 1 in my collection, it’s not going to give me a lvl 9 on the lycanthropy transform?

Anyway I think there’s a lot of stuff in-game that’s confusing to new players and doesn’t explain itself well :slight_smile: including this!

The weapon Dragon’s Eye is a good example, because it Transforms an enemy into a Baby Dragon (with full Mana) allowing them to Transform again – but they retain the level being cut by half.