[BlueDragons] Guild Recruiting! Everybody welcome! Active, noobs, etc

Hi everyone,

Trying to build up a guild to help every members, active and interested users please message me for invites.

Guild is on Top 1600s with 100% bonus.

My problem is that the guild has only 3/5 really active members, trying to expand in everybody benefit.

Guild Wars active in top 400s.

Message me if you want to join!

Hey mrblue-1978. Are you still recruiting? I am a level 129 player who usually plays daily. I haven’t had much luck getting people to join my guild. Let me know how many member you have.


Same problem with my guild. 10 users out of 30 but active only 3/4.
Guild is on top 3000s with 50% gold bónus. 1500 guild seals per week and over 200k in gold donations.
if you wanna join send me your invite code and i’ll send the invite.

Bumping, just updated guild stats and recruiting!

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