Blood & Bones

No, but why would I not want to medal good mythics? You could of course use the orbs on lower troops as well but why would you want that? Or you can just medal lower troops you don’t even use to get kingdom power up. I did that for many.

I think those who are not playing Underspire are playing too little importance on it. Checkmate! :joy:

No, TBH, I couldn’t care less if anyone plays it or not. I just tried to explain why I think it’s worth it. No one has to take my word for that. If you’d rather do explore, do that. If you enjoy delving more and thinks that’s the big hit, go for it.

I still would advise to at least use the free sigils to get to the 2nd boss and get those 2 imperials. That’s free and doesn’t take long. But that’s also up to everyone. No one is forcing anyone to do any of the modes.


Some people just want to complain when they meet any kind of resistance most of the time they are also playing improperly so its a vicious cycle. Cant tell them nothing

They want to go back to wiping in one shot


You really need Underspire to medal your favored mythics? Lol

No one said dont do Underspire at all.

2 consistent major orbs of glory every week? yeah.

I don’t remember the last time I got a major orb of glory from opening Vault keys and the Underspire is certainly a lot less effort than farming up 27 Nysha tokens per Mythic from Explore.


I could of course farm like a madman for weeks to get the same results but that would defeat the purpose of not spending too much time on a mode, no?

Also, I really enjoy playing underspire. So that’s a big plus for me because games should be fun, right?

But I’m sure I could say whatever I wanted and you still wouldn’t be on the same page. So I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree here while I’ll happily play underspire every week. :grin:

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Yeah, well… I don’t get the complaints about underspire. Yeah, there are two rewards that aren’t great but otherwise I’m making progress I was not able to make before that got added.

My first instinct was to only do the free sigils but then I changed my mind.


I get plenty of orbs from vault weekends wirh much less effort and much less investment in both time and gems. Perhaps my luck doesnt apply to the areas where your luck does?

But how many of them are Major Orbs of Glory?

Last vault weekend i got 5 Major


Just some simple finger counting with averages…

4 weeks of Underspire gives 8 major glory orbs (with lantern on respective boss room)
Major glory droprate is 2% so - one would need to open 400 major chaos orbs.
Gets a little trickier with chaos orbs from vault keys as no official percentages are given…I’m too lazy to count more (but I can give all vault keys opened since February this year if somebody else wants to tussle with it) so I’ll go with last 400 normal vault keys and they gave me 50 major chaos orbs.
To get 400 major chaos orbs necessary for 8 major glory orbs I would need to open 3200 vault keys.

Good luck getting that many on a single vault weekend is all I can say - unfeasible for any normal player.

EDIT. Needless to say that those 400 vault keys I mentioned before resulted in zero major glory orbs.


The easy answer to this would be “no”, but I would offer a more nuanced “not yet” if pressed.

Assuming you could clear all the other roadblocks, you only require 20 troops in a given kingdom to Elite Gold to satisfy the requirements for 30 stars. But that’s almost certainly going to increase if/when that system expands again and we see “new” requirements for kingdom stars beyond that point.

And those requirements tend to increase at a quick enough pace that we’ll see a convergence of the requirements for traited/levelled troops and the requirements for medalled troops such that you’ll have to not only collect/trait/level all the troops for the maximum “current” power level but you’ll likely also have to medal all of those troops as well. Or that the difference between the counts in the two categories will be small enough to oblige one to medal significant numbers of higher-base-rarity troops.


I thought i saw some discussion based around which kingdoms have troops that might facilitate a full run or hinder the ability to do so, along with the fact that some Underspire maps have highly undesireable pathings. Is 8 Major Glory Orbs actually what one would expect from Underspire in 1 month or or is that the best possible outcome?

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You could very easily get 8 major glory orbs each month through underspire. If you get unlucky with losses (due to bad troop availability) or with map generation and finding dead ends, you may have to spend 100-200 more gems in those weeks, but still very doable. If you check whether the team is worth going deep into the underspire any given week, you should EASILY get 4 per month, and very often get 6, some weeks its just not worth the time investment imo.

Best strat for underspire is to buy 2 torch packs on monday/tuesday, then 1 torch pack each day. You can buy the 100 gem torches on friday/saturday/sunday if you’re really worried about being able to finish. Most of the weeks i’ve had to buy at least a 3rd 100 gem torch pack, and VERY rarely i’ve had to buy a 5th 100 gem pack. The only time you should ever buy a 150 gem torch pack is if you get incredibly unlucky later on in the week.

Also, compare spending ~2 hours throughout the week in underspire to literally 8+ hours per day farming vaults and its easily the better value / time ratio. If you go for the minion orb each week as well, it makes the underspire gem commitment only about 200 per week, since you save 600 gems only buying 2 offers for the starry pets.


I’ll give you the gems but I doubt the time commitment.

Usually, I play 17 battles on Monday and Tuesday (7 free, 10 from gem packs) and 12 on most other days. Sometimes only 7.

The average run for me is about 95 to 100 rooms cleared. Sometimes a little more, if I’m lucky a lot less.

You’d have to first get vault keys, then you’d have to open them, then you’d have to get lucky. I’m sure that’s a lot more battles. And the two major glory orbs aren’t all the rewards.

If you have an endgame account I wouldn’t know why you wouldn’t be able to get those.

The only time I haven’t finished was when the reset bug happened. I just didn’t feel low starting all over again so I went for the double imperial deeds with the free torches.

I have every troop in the game, and almost all weapon except for the old ones that are money locked which I definitely won’t buy. Plenty to choose from.

So far, I only ever got unlucky twice and lost a fight, on time against a random team, the other time against Diamantina. But I had torches left so no problem.

Not sure how far one could get with a less advanced account.

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as long as EoE is available, pretty far :sweat_smile:


When new requirements appear, it will make sense to consider them. Of course, getting the necessary resources (orbs instead of medals) is an excellent result. but today the path is blocked by something else (books of deeds). but they are not in underspire :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Underspire is worth it even if you spend 150 gems everyday to finish it. It’s the best gem deal in the entire game. Not mentioning mostly you just need to spend 50 a day and 2/3/4 days 100 gems more.

In general, merchant in explore already offers things with a much cheaper price compared to other ways like daily offers.

Here is a list of stuff that you can get from underspire and the price in explore merchant.

Imperial deed = 250 gems
Small glory orb = 1 Nysha medal = 9 tokens = 1500 gems
Medium glory orb = 3000 gems
Major glory orb = 4500 gems
Small pet orb = roughly 500 gems saved from epic trials
50 dragonite = 250 gems

That’s about 10k gems, plus a free double.
Even if you think Nysha medals from explore merchants are not worth it, let’s get rid of all that 9k gems.
1k gems is roughly the same as 150*7=1050 gems cost if you buy two times per day.
Don’t forget you do get that free double on imperial deeds or pet orb+dragonite, or major glory orb.


That’s interesting.

Now if it had been put that way in the first place, I might have bothered with it, but thanks to insufficient/ inaccurate/ inadequate information, not to mention the players (as always) having to figure out how these things actually work, I’ve just been skipping it after getting the second Boss.


Enemy trial team could have been ‘nerfed’ a lot more this week I think, similar to previous weeks?

If they want people to spend gems on the trials, makes sense to make them easier to complete :thinking:

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Don’t search for a complex reasons behind things explainable by a simple ‘didn’t gave a single duck testing’