Because gold marks are so easy to get now I got every possible magic buff...this was the result

Imagine the stats on blood frenzy defense hahah

You know posts like this doesn’t really help the whole “2500 gold marks is too much for a mythic” discussion we had in the other thread. Saying it’s so easy when it’s not for most just doesn’t help the situation with convincing devs to lower prices and improve PvP. Sometimes it’s good to just keep these thoughts to yourself as it doesn’t help anything. Unless of course you would like the devs to make gold marks more rare or deed books cost more?


Easy to get? I did 100.000 VP on Monday, hoping for a few gold marks from top 3 this week. But stopped at 250.000 VP when I fell back so much that I couldn’t keep up anymore to players with more than 400.000 VP …

At least I got all 11 Immortals on day 1. Much more fun than Sentinels. Still 0 at them despite wasting 1500 gems every week since they were added. I could have bought enough books with those gems that gold marks really wouldn’t be that special anymore (irony off).


Some people never lern…


Oh i dont care about books. Or that mythic. So i spend gold marks on monoliths. This post was a brag post it was in no way ment as an affirmation of the ludicrously priced bad mythic

Ya but saying gold marks are so easy to get is just not true and everyone else uses them to get books.


Yeah it was a bad title in hindsight