Back & Blackstone - Recruiting: New and old players alike welcome!

We are currently rank 186
Our current requirements are:

Gold - 1,000 per week
Seals - 100 per week
Trophies - 25 per week

These are more to measure activity of members, as we want newer players to focus on building their kingdoms to level 10 and getting their rosters stronger, while we ask veterans to donate what they are able to provide in both knowledge and materials/battles.

Currently we have a 100 level cap, but will consider lower levels upon request - just PM me to discuss.

So, if you want to join our (slightly) crazy family, working at your own pace- but growing stronger by the day. Whether you be new to the game (we’ll give good advice and a help up), or an old hand- that maybe just wants to spend a little less time each week than the top guilds require. Drop us a message or just jump on in!

Hi Arz,

New member here at level 97 looking for an active Guild. If you are still open would love to join or if you have any recommendations, would be much appreciated.

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