Hi folks,
Thanks for your patience this week waiting for a follow up from the team here.
We want to provide you with more details about the Dungeon RNG fix.
We actually thought the tool that was created to predict the doors was awesome and speaks volumes about how passionate and inventive our community creators are. It was disappointing to us that this fix was going to affect that tool. I believe it was @sls who worked hard on the tool itself with all the data the community provided - seriously kudos to sls and everyone else who contributed and I’m sorry this change has been so discouraging to so many who were involved in that project and used it.
It was necessary that we fix the broken RNG in the Dungeon though, because we told everyone the doors had equal chances for everything, and the overwhelming majority of our players (tens of thousands of Adventurers) don’t use any external tools or even read the forums, community discord servers or even our help center despite links in game. So they didn’t have access to the same information and this feature wasn’t working as intended or announced to everyone.
A very common strategy when it comes to random chance selection is to choose the same doors every time because eventually your chosen combination will be successful. So if you were one of the players who would choose a combination of Doors that was affected by this bug, your chances of getting a perfect run were significantly reduced - and that’s just not fair.
This fix wasn’t about punishing you folks, you’re some of our most passionate community members.
It was about making sure people who love playing the game but who don’t participate in the community wouldn’t be punished for not participating outside of the game.
If you are interested in more technical details about the bug click here
The RNG for the Dungeon Doors is referred to as the ‘Door shuffle code’.
We have a list of 6 possible outcomes when opening the Doors:
- Low Boss battle
- Mid Boss battle
- Final Boss battle
- Daily Trap
- Random Trap
- Altar or Stairs
The intent of the Door shuffle code is to take this list and shuffle it into a new list in a random order each day for each user.
There was a bug in the Door shuffle code that caused it to skip the source at the index of the target slot, so when it was working out target slot index 0 (Door 1) it ignored source index 0 (Low Boss battle) etc.
In other words, Low Boss battle would never be seen behind Door 1
Mid Boss battle wouldn’t be seen behind Door 2 etc.
I wanted to touch on the feedback about wanting pity Dragonite for not getting perfect runs a little as well.
When we design a feature we include “space” for our designers to work into later. ie. so you have room to improve on or add to a new feature based on user feedback, game data and cool new ideas we might have. This is a hugely important factor and we adopt this for every new feature we introduce. For example, remember when we introduced our first Treasure Gnome and didn’t give it all the resources or huge amounts? Because we later released all the other Gnomes we currently have in game and Gnome-a-palooza 
We have already planned more ways to get Dragonite in future - as we shared a Dragonite Gnome is planned and we have already planned to give you a way to target which Dragons you are crafting. These 2 plans both increase the Dragonite you can earn and could also reduce the amount of Dragonite you’re spending to get all the Dungeon Dragons. We have to factor that into the Dungeon rewards to keep the economy balanced.
Also, Dragons are mid to end game collectibles, they’re designed to give players a long term goal. Some of you already have 6 Dragons after only 5 weeks - you are speed racers! This is why the economy balancing in this instance is also important, if we give too much Dragonite it will cause the Dragons to become early and common collectables and we really wanted them to be more special than that.