As Requested by a Dev: A Thread about Devs' Actions/Inactions

When seeing things like the chat issue we faced yesterday, we can’t help but wonder: broken GW Scores, Weapon Affixes, Medals/Explore interfaces, Game Crashes, Text Inconsistencies, Ridiculous Localization… how are customers supposed to harmonize the claim that this company’s finances are doing outstandingly well, with their apparent inability (unwillingness?) to improve their product/service (e.g. ‘server programmers’ et al available 24/7 for all matters arising, not only those that may affect customers’ ability to spend on the product)?

The “all the massive gains are taken by the suits” suggestion seems a bit credulous, since suits pretty much anywhere know we should keep feeding such a (alleged) Golden Goose.

What then explains this company’s product/service quality?
:thinking: :blush: :vulcan_salute: