As Requested by a Dev: A Thread about Devs' Actions/Inactions

It is no longer news that the toxicity levels in the forums have been noticeably lower since the last quarter of 2020, for reasons that are documented therein and quickly observable by those who have been keeping an eye on patterns.

A ‘silence’ instead of ‘belligerence’ company approach has been arguably an improvement for all parties involved.

There are, however, signs of further possible improvement, as illustrated by a recent comment by a Mod:

Here we are able to observe a seemingly honest response, in a professional tone, that answers the actual issue being raised, and provides information on where the customers’ expectations should realistically lie:

  • no patronizing/dismissing
  • no dodging the actual question while seemingly answering a tangential one
  • no spinning the reality to make it seem that this is as intended because it’s good for the customers
  • no ‘our hands are tied’-style excuse to justify the product’s shortcomings
  • not ignoring the topic altogether

While we can of course argue that there are always going to be ‘more vital’ priorities, and thus this sort of non-critical issue would never be addressed in such a status quo, it is hard to argue against the value of this type of communication style, especially if it can be done consistently on topics that matter to the playerbase (i.e. warbands, deeds, event medals…), and duly documented in the Official Forum (as opposed to some non-searchable echo-chamber stream).

Noteworthy, and therefore noted.
:blush: :vulcan_salute: