As Requested by a Dev: A Thread about Devs' Actions/Inactions

Fallen Silent world event: more like Player Feedback Falling on Deaf Ears.

So here we are, done with the 4th ‘World Event’, and we get a chance to revisit the ongoing 5 corresponding main complaints from the playerbase since 16/MAR/2020, namely:

  1. Random Scoring is unfair and makes no sense
  2. Rewards are too hard/expensive to obtain (>Tier IV from 30 Guild Members for full rewards)
  3. Event constraints applying to Hero are overly limiting, especially for newer players who rely on smaller weapon inventories
  4. The ‘choice’ when selecting battles is borderline inconsequential
  5. Players shouldn’t have to read the forum in order to find out what is the scoring method for an event

In light of the above, the Devs decided that the best course of action was to maintain random scoring (in the form of random battles presented to us), allow for a day-1 ‘new glitch, not at all the typo thing from the last time this happened’ to again make rewards unattainable unless all guild members went up to ~ Tier VI (‘fixed’ 24 hours into the event), and give even more constraints on troop/weapon selection (Leonis Empire && Yellow||Brown), thus ensuring that players could not use their previously acquired Boss Slayer (namely, ‘Wazir’) so that they were further ‘encouraged’ to spend gems.

The ‘pay to reduce grind’ philosophy continues to be allowed to grow, even when the players voted 90% that they disliked the event. (cue Devs claiming that they know secret internal figures that support that players love this design and direction, no matter what the forums/players say).

Some players claim to enjoy the challenge of having to design a team within restrictions, and the sensible alternative to this is the GW and Bounty approach: offer bonus points for those who use teams that meet restrictions, but stop ignoring players who do not have enough troops that meet the criteria, or who do not wish to grind with a clunky team because they enjoy e.g. bashing everything with Mang while helping their guild in the event.

But that would not align itself with the abovementioned philosophy.

Of course, we still had to inform our guild members of what the scoring system was, because apparently including it in-game continues to be considered an unworthy endeavor.

Half a step forward on slightly less random scoring, big step backwards with the additional team/weapon restriction.


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