I got Famine today. I’ve been trying to make a decent attack team with him. I’m not exactly sure what to use with him though. Help a brutha out?
Just for a general PvP or Explore team? Gorgotha in front for a shield and exploder, Apothecary to create brown (and cleanse), 4th troop is up for grabs.
Famine unfortunately is pretty much obsolete now.
For fast play, I agree. For Guild Wars-style, where winning is far more important than speed, I strongly disagree. Famine appears on all three teams for which it’s eligible, such as my green team:
Dark Maiden
Queen Aurora
Being able to drain stealthy troops (such as Princess Fizzbang or Spirit Fox) is suuuuper handy!
Highly disagree. If you can fill Famine fast, through explosions, converters, or a combination of the two, he can shut down the divine speedroll of death and do severe damage to Ubastet or Infernus more often than not.
In the amount of time it takes to fill famine half your team is dead famine being one of the dead ones. Famine highly overrated relic.
I use him in a couple of teams for GW, both in defense and offense:
Gorgotha, Famine, Kerberos, Behemoth with the Dwarven banner for Brown days
Apothecary, Krystenax, Famine and Sylvanimora with the Kraken benner for green days. This team is also one of my favs to just use in PVP as well. You can get Famine filled in one to two turns via Apothecary, and then it is destruction time.
The Dragon Soul
Pharos Ra
Also good combinaison