Are the devs possibly hypocrites?!

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering why it’s okay to have a daily task (you know, the ones where when you complete all three you earn a 15 minute exp boost) to earn gold, and once you complete it, it says “Gold Digger” complete. Yet if you try to name your gold farming team “Gold Digger”, it comes out looking like “Gold D*****”. Is this 505’s doing? Or Sony’s doing? (PS4 platform) It’s not derogatory, so I think it’s BS either way…

That’s pretty obviously a slur filter kicking in. A little over-zealously, sure. I’d guess that the filter is very broad because racists will attempt all kinds of creative looks-like-an-N-but-isn’t evasions.

I get that. But, no one but you can see what your team’s name is. Unless of course you take a screenshot of it and share the screenshot somewhere. Just seems a bit excessive…

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I was wrong: It’s not daily tasks that day it, but Campaign tasks. Sorry. Had to correct myself! :grin::v: