Archer Class Event

Just here to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of this horrendous design choice and give an update.

That’s right folks…2 years later and we now have 8 troops to choose from! :grinning: That’s a 60% increase in selections between now and then. Which should sound huge… But 60% of 5 is only 3.

Now I can’t recall how many troops were available in the kingdom at this time 2 years ago.

But having 28% of the total troops available during a Class Kingdom Trial seemed (and still does) absurd.

Despite everything changing in the world in the past 2 years. Take comfort in this constant.
The Archer Class Trial sucks ass due to the troop restrictions being unbalanced for the kingdom.
And will most likely continue to suck even when your kingdom level power gets to 30. Thank you, and Elf bless. :grinning: