Any tips for the upcoming Vash'Dagon troop?

Vash’ Dagon up front with Harpy Mage isn’t that bad.

Rough Draft:
Harpy Mage
Life and Death hero - any? Heirophant for Faerie Fire on ally death/burn on ally death? Web on summon spawn isn’t bad here either
Princess Elspeth/Leprechaun/empowered Gem converter
Eagle Banner

The damage from Vash’Dagon is complete ass, but at least it can do some decent skull damage. You can maybe replace L&D/hero and use something like The Wild Queen and use the hero with Deathknight in the 4th slot.

Edit: The whole can’t devour ally impervious troops is a huge downside. Vash eventually summons in troops it can’t interact with. Vash also can’t devour a barriered ally currently. Its in need of a dire buff.

When an Ultra Rare troop is a better version of a Mythic, something isn’t quite right.