Any news about tommorows event?

So :soon::tm: then

That is a bit misleading. With Gems of War, :soon::tm: normally means measurements in months, not weeks. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a new era.

Tomorrow’s event should let people fully trait Sylvanimora.

People will be able to trait Manticore and Orion too. I wonder if that means they nerf him tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue: They were thinking about increasing the mana cost to 10, 11, or 12.

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Nerf Orion!


And don’t forget… they’ll also be able to build up a reserve of Arcanes to help trait Famine :slight_smile: (Providing they’ve got plenty of Arcane Mountains as well!)

Would the currently meta had survived a 100% ‘True Shoot’ Orion? :blush:

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11 or 12 seems about fair. Still a very good UR. :slight_smile:


Agreed. 11 or 12, and leave everything else as-is.


Not for the foreseeable future.

More and more kingdoms will start reaching 10+ troops then. I like that.

Time for a 6th power level at 3200 points!


+50 gold? :champagne:


I was thinking something like increasing the strength of that kingdom’s banner


I only need one more arcane for Orion, been exploring Pan’s Vale to no success. :pensive:

I have a team half thought out for him.

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I remember when I was exploring to get the arcane lights for Manticore, that was a true torture for me to get 3 of those…

Next Kingdom Power level is +50 Gold. Screw you if you disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

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I disagree, it should be +1 Treasure Map.

Plus one to masteries