AI Ignores Skulls

So I was playing against @dhjl today (Tag Your It) and encountered a funny little thing, the AI left a clear 3x Skull match on the board. I was using a Mab team and all 4 of dhjl’s troops were frozen, the AI elected to take a 5 of a kind brown to he a mana surge for Gorgotha, I was just wondering if this is a routine thing (The AI taking an on-color 5 of a kind when frozen over Skulls)?

I didn’t get a screen shot of the match (just the team and victory screen) cause I didn’t get a shot of board B4 the AI passed up the skulls


#Tag, Your It

P.s. dhjl can you take a screenshot of the Revenge? No one has posted how much I’m worth yet

I’ve seen the computer regularly take 5 matches before skulls, even if that color was frozen. It doesn’t seem to want to pass on the 10 mana.

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That’s what I thought but wasn’t sure, it’s just bad practice leaving skulls on the board against a skull spam team

Never mind, I was wrong.

Not before 2.0 but now I seen a few times, A1 takes 3 skull match rather than 4/5 gem match.
Also sometimes, not all the time, when Mercy cast the spell to get 4/5 match, A1 ignored it and
no extra turn.

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I think as others have said, that while the AI does consider frozen, it much prefers the Mana Surge aspect. So it might have passed up a 4 match in that case, but the 5 match was more important to it.