AI Essencia's skill bugged

Platform, device version and operating system:
Screenshot or image:

Before use of skill:

After use of skill:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Essencias skill should only summon and maybe explode but for the AI in PVP it also heals and gives attack to herself massively.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Everytime I went against Essencia in todays gold mark bonus in Dragon’s Claw PVP. It also seems to happening only if it summons. If there are no empty places it doesn’t heal.

Steps to make it happen again
Fight against Essencia in Dragon’s Claw PVP.

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Same fight as above screenshots but a few more used skills by her later:

This is a known bug. Summon causes pet bonuses to be re-applied


This seems to be the same for all summoners. Bump!

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