Adventure Board Add-on Please?

I’m not sure if this has been mentioned before, and honestly don’t have the time to dig through this forum to find out. But I was just thinking, why don’t we occasionally get “Hunt for Dragonite” as an option on the daily adventure board? I mean, we get “Dig for Gems”, so why not throw in some Dragonite now and again? :thinking:


Short answer: not every obtainable resource needs to appear in every mode. When was the last time the Adventure Board featured Cursed Runes or colored Jewels? I suspect that answer is “never”.

Yes, farming Dragonite is frustrating, but this speaks more to the frustration with the Daily Boss Dungeon than the Dragonite by itself.

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Would be a nice idea. Even for 20 or 30 Dragonite. I’ve come to the conclusion I’ll never have Stella. I don’t even get mad about no perfect runs for weeks or dupes anymore. I am so broken about it I just don’t care. I fought against 3 Stellas in PVP before and I did get frustrated about that though.

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How exactly did you fight 3 Stella’s in PvP when they have been removed?

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They weren’t ALWAYS removed… :roll_eyes:

But if you read the post it said yesterday!

Oops, sorry! I only glanced at the notification as I was busy fixing food and read "How did you fight three Stella’s when they have been removed?’ and assumed it was in response to something I posted before they updated PvP to replace Stella with Diamontina. :sweat_smile: My apologies!

Sorry. I’m at a point in the game where I have an abundance of those resources so I never even thought about them… :sweat_smile:

That was a mistype by me and corrected! My son started Kindergarten this week and the early dropoffs are overiding my coffee consumption so far lol


:joy: Fair enough! :grin::v:

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No worries. Glad it wasn’t a new bug.