Additional report button for threats needed

Please give us an additonal report button for “harrassment / bullying / threats”. Lately global chat on PC has become quite toxic due to several players harrassing other players by making more or less veiled threats.
Since the Community Guidelines ask us to report instead of engaging a player but also clearly state that false reports may lead to a ban this leaves some of us with a problem if they want to follow the guidelines. “Inappropriate chat” seems the closest possible report choice but threatening the community or bullying a player is, in my opinion at least, not “inappropriate chat” but something completely different.


This isn’t about the age of the players, it’s about global chat becoming toxic due to a small group who’s agenda is to bully and harass other players.

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These people do not go away, they feed off of it.

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You are assuming i reply, i do not. I ignore or leave chat. Dont make assumptions.

yes you are missing the fact that people can be influenced in more ways than just physical, the entire profession of therapists exists because mental harm can be just as damaging to a persons life as physical harm. The proper way to shut down any type of bullying is to address the bully themselves, and not put the responsibility on the person who is being bullied. And fyi, we are not talking about people cursing or saying offhand things, we are talking about people who are specifically targeting people to do mental harm with purpose.


Someone said something very thoughtful in chat lately.
Staying silent when you see someone being bullied is making you as guilty as the bully.
So all I am asking for is an additional report button as a way to make global less toxic again without going against the community guidelines.


ah yes, the classic “i lived through it and i turned out fine” comment, imagine trying to strive for a better future instead of forcing more people to go through stuff like that.


Please stay on topic if possible.
A rant about social media is definitely off topic here


We’re not blaming. We’re working on solutions. Such as keeping online environments safe and keeping people in check when they hinder that.


O and yes instead of the ten kids bullying in school in my teens

It’s the ten kids in school. And the 100s online now in your times.

Yep better future, you want a better future.
Then boycott snap, Facebook, twitter, Instagram and any other I don’t know.

im sorry that you’re so broken as a person dude, and i hope that whatever you have gone through that turned you into this type of person will eventually not happen to anyone else, but you can choose to be part of the problem, or you can choose to be part of the solution. I choose to not contribute to toxicity as often as i can, and i am now done dealing with you. Mental harm is a thing, it should not be allowed in public forums, the chats in Gems of War are public forums, they have rules, we need avenues to allow those rules to be enforced.


And the best solution is , ignoring them.
And if you can’t handle typing on the net from strangers, stay of the global.

Iv solved it.

I cant speak to overseas, but in the US in about half the states or more cyberbullying and online harassment IS against the law. Im pretty sure it is also against the Xbox policies I agreed to when signing up. I’m also sure Gems of War has a policy about harassment in their terms of agreement


I can’t win this argument, cos most parents can’t stay of the net.
There addicted themselves, so no chance they’ll turn the net off in there kids.

That’s the real issue , family policing.

If it was that easy… But also, why should the people who are getting harassed be the ones who have to leave? That’s backwards thinking.

The harassers will then look for the next victim and the next and the next.

Only way to stop that is to get rid of them.

It’s all good if you can ignore such things. That’s great!

But not everyone can, and even if it’s just making them angry or stressed out, that’s still causing some type of harm to them. You’d be amazed at what your body does when you’re angry.

I once had a hard time understanding such things myself and also thought “why don’t they just turn it off” but I’ve since learned more about the effects it can have on people, even if it’s “only online”.

Mental harm is real, and in many ways even worse the physical harm. A broken bone heals faster than a broken mind. To inflict mental harm, you don’t have to be physically close to a person, and it often starts in harmless seeming ways.

But this is a way too complicated topic to properly address here.

A report for “bullying/harassment” should be a very obvious addition.

For now I’d go with inappropriate chat.


There is some valid feedback here which I will be passing on to the team.
But I have also removed posts that are unconstructive, inappropriate or could refer to things that are triggering.


Thank you for taking it up and passing it on to the team :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile:

Just a quick reminder to keep this thread Civil and in accordance with the Community Guidelines

You have a real penchant for chiming in when everything is already over. :sweat_smile: