Add pet rescue icon to PvP map / another way of checking for remaining pet rescue timer without leaving PvP map

Main map left menu:

PvP map left menu:

So, so much space on the left. Right now, to check the timer on the previous pet rescue, if we haven’t rescued the pet yet, we have to go back to the main map and click on the event icon. If we have rescued the pet already & played another battle after, the icon is gone from the main map, so we have to go back from PvP to main map, click on games, then scroll - until we see the timer.

Can we please please please get that timer visible in a place that doesn’t require so much clicking to reach? It could be right next to the PvP goals (but if it disappears as well after the pet is rescued but the timer is still going, like it does from the main map, we are back to original number of clicking - not good!). What about a timer visible from the main map next to the pet rescue icon? We have those for headstart and other time-limited offers, why not the pet rescue? Pretty please.