Add option to enable/disable emoji sets


I do not care about emojis too much, certainly do not buy levels in event shops just to get them but I still have a few sets which I never use and just make my emoji table huge.
A checkbox on the emoji packs settings page would be nice to show/hide a pack from my emoji keyboard.

Thank You

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So that’s important because it affects you, but people wanting to have a gender neutral guild rank option is total nonsense?

To me this is total nonsense. Should you not be able to ask for it just because I don’t care?

How about we allow others to care about different QoL changes without being judgemental?

The chance either gets done is slim to none anyway. They don’t even properly fix things that actually affect the game, like the new card design. So it’s not like we have to compete against each other to make our wishes happen.

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  1. I believe this change would affect more people
  2. Don’t need to bring the woke craziness into everything.

Oh, you poor soul. Can you show me on a graphic how pronouns options hurt you? :joy:


But for real, though - how does being inclusive take anything away from you? You don’t have to use any option that isn’t he or she.