Hey all, Level 1115 active player looking for a slightly more casual guild than we’re used to.
Taking care of twin newborns puts a serious cramp in the gaming time, so probably not up to being in a top 10 guild any more.
Was with MM for a long time, was with FF before that. Solid grasp of the game, expecting to contribute 400K gold, 1000 seals, and 100 trophies every week. Always get sentinels up to 5, no issues doing GW.
Cannot chat while playing (taking care of twins, you don’t want to hear it and no hands are free to type), but no issues joining an offline forum.
Celestial Peak could tailor to your need. We are a group of old time veterans trying to maintain an atmosphere of casual while still adamantly trying to remain in the top 50. We are at 30k seals and can complete all Tasks. On a good GW week the bonus seal rewards could also push us into 40k.
Currently our lax weekly min is only 500s/100t/30GW, but we are holding fast at rank 45 atm.
We try to encourage people to do more thru our promotion conditions of 300k/1500s/300t/30gw, but it’s all voluntary. As long as you can meet the regular min, you can just relax and chill
You’d be welcome in Taxaholic. Our only requirements are daily guild wars and good communication if you can’t play. I’ve linked our recruitment thread here. Check us out. You’d fit right in.
We have a spot in Anothernymous and would love your experience. Our requirements are 500g*level, 750 seals, and 100 trophies. That being said we do regularly hit 40k seals and complete all tasks and the occasional LT. We are also GW’s optional, but lets face it, bracket 200+ isn’t any strain. good luck with the twins
I could use someone like you. I currently run a top 400 guild but am looking to move up in the ranks while keeping it semi casual. We are currently in the 19th bracket, and my main requirement to stay in the guild is just keep up with GW battles. If interested drop me a message.
Thanks for all the invites everyone! We’ve had a look at the options, and I’ll post in here once it’s all final. As mentioned, joining a chat server just really isn’t possible, so that takes a couple of the options off the table, but a really nice set of guilds to look into here.