Active, chill guild recruiting! 4 open spots

Hello dear Player,

Are you tired of strict requirements? Do you want to chill in this brilliant game and not to stress out?
Then our guild is for You. We know that life is before game play, so we won’t require any amount of gold / seals / trophies. We play Just-For-Fun.

We only ask from you that you have to be at least level 100, relatively active, and you can weekly pay a fair amount of gold (as much as you like to pay).
About the tributes: we do not tolarate freeloaders. If you can’t or won’t pay for 2 weeks then you are out. And also if you don’t login for 14 days then you will be kicked out. Of course only then if you don’t tell us that you can’t play for days / weeks.

Are you interested in joining us? Then send me (@AnarchyChampion) your invite code in private message.