A trait to freeze all enemies when an enemy cast a spell

Ahh yes but if you want to win an argument, you just pretend your idea is extremely awesome and no one quite gets how much of a genius you are…stop being so condescending.

I see plenty of valid arguments if you dont move goal posts

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On the contrary, inert blocks generally make the troop more likely to loop (as demonstrated by Chalcedony+Xenith) since inert blocks can’t be converted (and likewise, Gems already converted). A board containing 7 Brown Gems probably won’t loop (yet), but a board with 7 Brown Gems and 20 inerts almost definitely will, even after taking out one troop and weakening the loop.

Not necessarily, given the looper is functionally its own win condition. (e.g. Shield of Urskaya Geomancer + Chalcedony + Ethereal Sentry + Gargoyle = win conditions: 1 - loop Chalcedony, 2 - Shield of Urskaya → Ethereal Sentry → match skulls or cast Gargoyle)

THIS is the only counterplay that can stop a loop already in progress. The problem is we have almost no traits capable of doing this during the enemy turn – anything else is just prevention.

Personally, I think we could use a standard trait “Freeze a random opponent when an enemy casts a spell” – after all, you only need to freeze one troop of the looping color to stop it. Or (similar to Xerodar) “Freeze an enemy when I take damage to Life”.

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“Freeze a random opponent when an enemy matches $COLOR gems” – or maybe “matches 4 or more $COLOR gems” would be a more targeted anti-looper trait.

(There’s a precedent: Glaycion’s third trait is activated when an enemy matches skulls.)

freeze a random enemy when an opponent matches a color might be a little aggressive…

anyone with a generator + storm active with the matching color gem dragon can see the gem dragon’s 3rd trait trigger quite a few times in one cascade.

it would likely be the same in this case.

if they released a troop like this, I wouldn’t be against it, but… until then. idk about it. Probably because if they did release a troop like that, the opponents will set in on defense too and it’ll be something that has to be dealt with as well.

Do x effect to a random enemy when an opponent matches 4 or more gems could be a great design area.

They already accidentally released Fenix for a few days where it blessed + enchanted your troops when the opponent matched 4 or more gems. The programming for opponents matching 4 or more is available…