For example this week you slapped us with the terribly slow and unreliable ursakya faction. Let us spend gems once at the start of spire if we are given a bad playable faction
Actually I liked Urskaya as it was much faster than the last weeks. But generally that’s not a bad idea, at least for low level players.
I have all troops. Im just getting annoyed by doomclaw not eating.
What team did you use?
King Mikhail
Ruthless Defense (Hero)
With a yellow/brown banner, can’t remember which exactly.
Basically KM was full all the time because of Theo’s gems (2x explode plus 1x mana bonus) and if not, I used Bieska every now and then. On top enemies kept running from Terror.
I used about the same setup. Although, I filled up Diamantina with a wish gem, so that almost back-fired.
It honestly hasn’t been too bad this week. I would take Urskaya over kingdoms like Leonnis, which has hardly any synergy at all. (Mantichoras helps with damage, but I will leave it at that because it honestly needs a kingdom rework).
There’s hardly any challenge for me anymore in the game, as I have all pure factions done, so I like to get a different perspective on the game when I’m not blasting through at light speed with Stellarix. When I mess around with my poor level 400+ hero on mobile, I get destroyed in Underspire, so I can see why players get frustrated.
But Underspire is honestly an end game activity–without kingdoms upgraded and some powerful, key troops and weapons from kingdoms, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell you will make it to Diamantina and make it out alive. Not to mention the gems you spend to get there…
Subtract the Gem expenditure and you can still reasonably reach Emeraldrin (for the Epic Vault Key), sometimes even Sapphirax (for the Orb of Wisdom). You do still need a good team strategy, because without a large kingdom stat bonus to soak up errors and bad luck you will be battling on a razor’s edge.
Some weeks it’s better to not go all of the way to Diamantina. And yes, newer players can still get a lot of value from the free 7 daily torches and get to Emeraldrin with some effort. After that section, it feels like you have to go all the way to Diamantina to get more value out of the gems you spend, but sometimes the time, cost, and frustration are not worth it.
Since we’re in Pan’s Vale next week, The Wild King, Queen, (or even both maybe!) can carry you through Underspire if you have them. That’s why I get caught up in mythics sometimes. It needs to be powerful enough to help weaker kingdoms get through game modes like Underspire or pvp.
I understand that the devs need to be mindful of power creep, but they already set the bar with Stellarix. Just make other mythics less powerful, look at the troops and weapons from each kingdom, and evaluate what needs to be done to make a kingdom stand out.
If I could explain all of these ideas that I have to the devs, I would try to tickle their brains so that they have a better understanding of what the community wants. Yeah, I’m a dreamer, and I know that’s a bit profound, but a man can still dream, even if he knows that it will never come true.