A Quick Fix

Originally published at: A Quick Fix – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: FIXIT-5000 FIXIT-5000 will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. World Event: The Time Warp There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Green Golem, Swamplash, Dark…

Not a great title when alerts are broken and an update is expected.



This is next level trolling - bravo devs! :clap:


Graeme, thats wrong on SO many levels.
Thankyou for making me laugh out loud…


This isn’t the first time that the new week’s thread gets easily confused for something more important…


If only this topic was about the game in general. Talk about a missed opportunity.


Shouldn’t the title awarded be, “I Fixed It!” rather than, “You Fixed It!”

And here I thought they were actually fixing something for once. Should have known better.


Sparkhammer is in Soulforge. :partying_face:

Why is this a T5+ World Event?
Are you trying to drive off the remaining players?


By my calculations, it may require T6. Was this intentional? World Events usually require T2-T4.


Birthday event coming up, I guess they have to finance the presents. :woozy_face:


2 weeks of less tributes due to tribute notifications mysteriously stop working should have been enough tax to offset the “presents”.


In terms guilds completing the guild events. On the design end. Is the goal for Most, Some, or none Guilds to close all the portals?

We are top 5% in activity on PC/Mobile and if your team doesn’t fix the scoring in the world Event then it’ll be 2 straight weeks where we (and many others) choose not to complete the event. Last week’s Journey had too much poor design choices to complete. This week looks like another fail from the design end.

Seems we have all been sent into some kind of “Time Warp” back to the very first World event which required a much larger amount of gems to be spent/battles won to gain all rewards.

Thanks devs for celebrating the 10th anniversary of GoW in this way :smiley:



A Quick Fix to the World Event scoring would be nice.

aha. if only


I don’t see what you did there. Can you please provide your invite code? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Are the World Events actually designed? I remember there being some talk back when they came out that they were (partially?) randomly generated, but I haven’t gone digging back through the forums for that.

Looking back at the release notes, though: oh, what we were promised versus what we got:

  • Scoring: New events will have new ways of scoring. They may score off of items dropped by your enemies, specific troops or troop types killed, colored gems matched, or even 4-or-5’s of-a-kind that you match; every event will be different. And will clearly explain the scoring method.

That sounds fun! Never happened. And it has always fallen on guild leaders to explain the scoring to their players.

  • Team Restrictions: These new Event Battles will continue to have restrictions on what Troops may be used, but we have expanded this so that Troop Roles can now be included, and that we can have more than 1 restriction of each type in place.
    • (e.g Having an Orc and Goblin restriction allows for both Orcs and Goblin troops to be used in a team).

That sounds fun! Never happened. And this could be useful in other game modes, for example the very restrictive Journey event we just had.

  • Progress Rewards: Players will continue to earn Rewards based on their progress in an event, though now this progress may either be tied to their Guild (similar to Raid Boss or Invasion), or on their own progress (similar to Bounty). This will change from event to event.

That sounds fun! Never happened.