A New Mythic Approaches - Elemaugrim

the drop rate should be fixed, they didin’t change it since the guild reward nerf.
Now we getting less rewards and the mythic cost the same then before nerf. And the gems price always been ridiculous, you can spend 200-300$ and still not get it, this is unacceptable


Were the gems used on VIP chests, or just normal gem chests? Because if it’s the latter, the gems plus gem keys plus seals are somewhere between 2500-3000 chances at something that’s 1000:1. So I think that’s roughly the equivalent of flipping a coin and getting heads 5-6 times in a row, which while abnormal is not ridiculously abnormal.

Regardless of the specifics or the math, not getting what you wanted is always tough. Sorry this is the last straw for you, but good luck in the future with whatever game you end up going to.


Maybe a pity timer is in order. Because I am starting to get really sick of random loot boxes.

Or maybe just some more info on the “crafting” system that they are working on. @Saltypatra Mind putting some minds at ease with some soothing news?

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This is a mythic card though, designed to be extremely rare, so of course you’re very very unlikely to find it with seals and glory keys!

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Were the 7000 gems in VIP chests? I only ask because I always get my mythics from 1-2 pulls of the VIP chest and I specifically save my gems just to do that during mythic season. Fortunately, I had a surplus because admittedly, this one took three pulls but you could have done that with 7000 gems.

Yea in theory they are designed to be rare, but once you reach the end game around lvl 300-400 you see mythics EVERYWHERE. I can’t go 2 battles without seeing at least 3 mythics.

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There is a difference between the two situations. When you PVP, you see the total of all mythics a player has acquired since the start of the rarity. (Or something close to it.) Here, Mekkalyn was talking about the inability to draw a targeted mythic from chests. Much harder to pull a single mythic on command than to have acquired one or two over the past year+.

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Tough luck @Mekkalyn

All the best to ya

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20k glory, 500 glory keys, 100 gem key, 2500 gems, 1500 seals, a shit for me.


I feel lucky that I got it, I have been on the other side as well though and spent my entire stash and not received them.

I just stopped caring if I get them, and its only a bonus if I do

Even if they were used on VIP Chests its the same ballpark. 13,500 Gems would be in 300 chances at something that’s 100:1.

@Mekkalyn Its defiantly hard luck sorry, and I hope you return. Keep an eve on the forum to see what Crafting brings.


Just to add insult to injury:

My friend drew him after 55 Glory Keys.

EDIT: Regarding mythics in general. Some of you players (like @Mekkalyn) spend more keys in the “exclusive week” than I’ve ever accumulated in my entire 2 year casual play time. So if you guys can’t draw them, what chances do I have?

I just ignore them entirely, as if they don’t exist. I rather look towards my missing legendaries.


this is why Mythics need to go. they’re a waste of Dev time and “Mythic Friday” is just “Monthly Disappointment Day”.

Mythics should be quest chains and crafting. Not pay to maybe win occasionally every once in awhile.


I guess I got lucky. Got him this morning after 150 Guild Chests, 50 Gem Chests, and 250 Glory Chests.

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Anyone know what stones it takes for each of his traits? Trying to find out if i need to use any of my glory this week

9 of purple/brown and red/brown for second trait.
12 of purple/brown and red/brown for third trait.

Lava and Dark

Still no elemaugrim for me