A New Mythic Approaches – Chromaticea

Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Chromaticea – Gems of War

New Mythic Troop: Chromaticea Chromaticea will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.


Poor mans takshaka, not near as good

It was pretty decent but then they nerfed it into basically useless on release

Please nerf Takshaka down to power level of this mythic.

Why on earth would you want that? If you have a problem with Takshaka use freeze or don’t play a pvp region with it available.

Oh give me a break. Freeze it. Move faster than it. Use the spell shield monolith which you should be using for extended pvp anyways

Okay okay okay, so please buff this mythic to the same brokenness of takshaka. Satisfied?

The most ironic thing is, devs probably think these two mythics are on about the same power level. And we all know they are not.

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Oh? What did the early datamining discover this time?

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Chromatcia originally was like this before they nerfed him into being a somewhat “complicated” mythic:

Rainbow Song: 24 :large_blue_circle::red_circle::yellow_circle:
Deal [magic + 2] damage to all enemies, then create 16 gems of either Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, or Purple.

Spectromancy: Create a ×3 wildcard when matching 4 or more gems.

They honestly needed to leave it alone. This mythic is unique in that it can create 2 colors that don’t feed mana into itself, so we have to make use of it somehow. It isn’t like the other gem spawning dragons like Elemaugrim because once you burn all enemies, you’re fine, but Chromatcia is just a headache…

The best I could do to get a loop going was to use it with Venoxia to make use of the greens and purples but, then I just said, “Why don’t I just use Beetrix then?” It’s just…too much work to…make this mythic work.:man_facepalming:


Yeah there was no need for the 50%

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Chromatica makes a mess of random gems, so Lord Ember helps clean it up. (It acts a lot like Apothecary in guild wars). I still think that this mythic has a place, it’s just that you have to use some brain cells to make it powerful.

I think it’s too late, but the 16 to 13 gem spawn and the 100% to 50% ×3 wildcard when matching 4 or more gems hurt too much. Chromatica needs those nerfs reverted ASAP.

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In my opinion, yes. Yes there was. +16 monocolor Gems upon spellcast is quite likely to match 4 or more Gems (re: the Chalcedony era) triggering the Trait placing a new Wildcard on the board, and in the probability that it matches 4 or more of the same color again, it triggers the Trait again, and suddenly we have “another Wand of Stars” that needs to be secretly banned from PVP because it’s ruining the fun for everyone else.

Granted, this is just an abstract armchair analysis.

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You could freeze Chromaticea to stop it from looping. The enemy could have Divinia or some other means to cleanse it, but I’m not going to get into that discussion because that kind of reasoning ruined journey troops…

After thinking way too hard about how to make use of this monstrosity, you know what I did? I used The Void Dragon with Lyrasza and had a WAY more enjoyable time than I will ever have with this monstrosity.

I’m throwing this troop in the garbage can and never looking back at this ever again. Good riddance.:wastebasket:

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Problem with it’s spell is that you have no control over what colour it makes, and it doesn’t make enough to give a high chance of a loop, so it just has a high chance to create gems of a colour that doesn’t give a 4 match, and you hand the turn to the enemy, possibly giving them a chance to make a 4 match.
And if it doesn’t make a 4 match, it’s trait doesn’t do anything at all. Meaning it’s nothing to worry about.
In the slim case that it creates gems and manages to trigger a match of 4 or more, and creates a wildcard gem that lands exactly in the right spot to get a 4 match again, it’s super unlikely that it’s gonna make another wildcard in another spot for another match 4 or more. It’s the kind of thing like rising shadows wiping out a whole team, where SURE, it COULD happen, but the odds of getting even one 4 match, let alone multiple, from a single spell cast triggering a 4 match, is super low.
Basically this mythic is super risky to use, and not that rewarding when it goes in your favour, necessarily. Maybe you can make it work, but there’s always going to be better options to use instead.


Nah, let’s totally go there!

  • Team composition including Chromaticea and Queen Beetrix.
  • The team is frozen prior to spellcast.
  1. Spellcast created 16 monocolor gems including one match of 4+ on a Frozen color.
  2. Queen Beetrix’s trait cleanses the team, but too late because Frozen already blocked the Extra Turn.
  3. Chromaticea’s trait creates a Wildcard.
  4. Gems cascade and the Wildcard matches 4+ Gems.
  5. A new (now non-Frozen) Extra Turn is granted.

Also of note, The Turquoise Emperor’s 3rd trait is similar to Beetrix except it is Bless instead of Cleanse, and only activates 50% of the time. Is Beetrix’s 3rd trait OP? Not going to allege that (at this time).

I agree that this is technically similar to Rising Shadows re-triggering itself (which we do have a single actual incident of on video).

I personally disagree that the odds are “super low”, but we don’t exactly have a +16 monocolor gem creating Troop to actually test the likelihood of that happening, do we?


You can use the “doomed spears” to test this theory of “infinite looping” with cleanse. Just set your pvp team up like this and fight against yourself in central spire:

I think this would be one of the worst iterations to go up against in a guild war like setting for many reasons which include the following:

  1. Doomed Fauchard would create 16 green gems if each troop on the opposing enemy team used green mana.
  2. Having 2 empowered troops would create unpredictability and give the team relative ease to start looping immediately.
  3. Beetrix would provide a way to cleanse the entire team of being frozen, so that the Doomed Fauchard and Beetrix could continue casting until you were defeated.

It would be difficult, but still possible, to use elementalist to stun and freeze Beetrix so that the team couldn’t keep casting over and over. It’s a lot like the Doomed Codex during guild wars, but not every team would have access to a cleansing option. I just used Beetrix because she is one of (if not the best) cleansing options in the game.

People are going to have to actually use their brains again when guild wars comes back because some new and creative strategies will come back and will be much different than just blasting through pvp. Efficiency over speed. Mind over matter. A new age approaches…:sunrise:


99% sure cleanse happens first. You always get the extra turn when beetrix is on your team and you match 4, unless she’s stunned.
That and the fact she creates gems of a colour she doesn’t use (meaning she can create a match of 4 on a colour she isn’t frozen on, and still get an extra turn sometimes when frozen and stunned) make her super formidable.

Well, we don’t need one. The troop would have to match (at least) 4 of those gems, meaning it’d be down to 12 or less. Even if there were already several of the colour on the board when you cast the spell, that just increases the odds of them matching with the new gems (meaning less left when the action is resolved and any wildcard is made). Odds are when the gem creation is resolved, and wildcards start being created, there’s gonna be less than 16 of that colour on the board. So, we don’t need to make 16 gems. We just need a board with 10+ of a set colour, maybe.
But either way, we have troops that can create a wildcard when matching 4+ gems. Sure the likelihood of creating that gem is low, but you can do multiple 4+ matches and only record the results when a wildcard is made, using a team of (one or more of) centuragon, chromaticea, leocorn, moon phoenix, tihamata or oneiros. You just need to test how often creating a wildcard results in it matching with 3+ others and granting an extra turn. That’s the important question. Assuming it was a 50% chance on a board of around 10 of each colour, then the odds of it happening twice would be around 25%. Assuming it was a 5% chance, the odds of it happening twice would be around 0.25% (or 1 in 400).
Based on past experience, I think the odds of a wildcard making a 4+ match and getting an extra turn are low, maybe 5-10%, but I don’t have an actual number. That’s why I’m saying I think the odds of it happening twice, or even more, are probably “super low”.
But I’ll leave that data to anyone who wants to test and record it. Maybe it’s higher than I expect, and having a troop create a bunch of gems and also create wildcards on every 4+ match would be too powerful. Or maybe it wouldn’t be.


There’s actually a number of experiments I’d love to organize and collect data on, but . . . y’know, none of them are that high a priority…

I just did one random Explore run to test Queen Beetrix’s trait vs Frozen, but it was disrupted by causing more than one such match in a row (whoops).

UPDATE: Tested again and can confirm the trait activates before the Extra Turn is granted. So now that that’s out of the way, can we . . . kind of actually thank the devs for nerfing Pathfinders before introducing The Cartographer? (Mystic typed + pair with Beetrix)


Trait 3 was 100% chance to create wildcard.
Gems created was 16

I almost never get new mythics, spent thousands and thousands of Keys, also spent thousands of gems…yes my hard earned gems… and not a single Mythic received. Most of my team gets them all the time though.