A New Mythic Approaches – Bieska

Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Bieska – Gems of War

New Mythic Troop: Bieska Bieska will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.


1200 keys of glory, 600 keys of gem, 10K guilds, 130K of glory - no mythic. Yesterday there were about 100M gold legendary guild task - no any mythics. Greedy, hand-assed bastards… That’s the end of the game. That was the last straw. There is no more strength to tolerate this fu@ing randomness, the handiness of developers with their mistakes, etc.

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This troop has a really nice 3rd trait.

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Does anyone besides me think that this was a missed opportunity for an urska troop to create skulls? And since this is a mythic, why not make them doom skulls? So many urska troops have enrage, but only the corrupted urska creates 6 skulls!

The traits are alright I guess (the random bleed is just part of the troop’s angry bear fantasy), but I would have given this troop the Lord of Slaughter treatment to create something more powerful.

Raging spirit: mana cost 24 green/red/brown
Gain enrage and create 6 purple gems. Then convert all purple gems to doom skulls. If an enemy dies, explode 10 gems.

I’m not sure about the gem to doom skull conversion, but this would probably work well with Lyrasza’s madness storm, while using axe of the north. The final team composition I was thinking of would be: Axe of the North/Sentinel, Bieska, Urskula, Lyrasza.

Just a thought if mine that we will never have the chance to put to the test.


This is an interesting idea! In its current form, for doomskulls and to leverage the terror trait further, perhaps pairs decently with mydnight queen? Haven’t had time to really try yet

I think this spell is kind of like Pan, which some people think has good situational utility, but it does less total damage and the dmg also drops further if there’s only one enemy left and it can’t splash. Instead of knocking to the back every cast like Pan, inflicting terror has a chance to rearrange / flee

So I was mostly surprised the boost ratio is so low. I was expecting a x10 like doomclaw.

nearly every other lower rarity bear has higher boost off enrage—we have Urskula x8, defiance x5, black bjorn is x4, bearlock has x3. Berengari is the only other x2.

So if it is only x2, seems like bieska as a mythic could at least boost off the terror/bleed also and not only enrage, to make some more use of that trait

Higher boost would bring the total dmg on a first cast more in line with Pan, and the diminishing damage on a single enemy could be a fair tradeoff for the terror chance to flee


The urska typing is in a strange place because we have many with enrage, some with spell damage, and nearly nothing with skulls. It’s why no one really uses this type because there is hardly any synergy.

They originally had Bieska deal heavy splash damage, then they gave it a weak boost ratio. It seems like this mythic was going through revisions, and they needed more time.

I like your idea of an increased boost ratio to ×10 for every enraged ally or for every enemy inflicted with bleed or terror. This mythic needs to deal more damage because the final trait isn’t powerful enough when you could just use the Mydnight Queen and create a powerful skull spam team.

I would like to be part of the “Mythic Council” and talk about balancing and revamping upcoming mythics, but that’s a dream that is as dead as my Setauri Gladius in the current journey event.:dizzy_face:

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whatever you do, tell them they used to do creative exciting things. they don’t have to keep making bad infernus clones

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