A Holiday Treat!

Hello, Adventurers! How about a little holiday treat?
Be one of the first 100 people to use this code in game, and see what Ragnagord brings you!


Codes can be entered via the Redeem button in the Shop.

(PC/Mobile only, sorry Console folks, redeem codes will be making their way to your version shortly we hope)

Ragnagord brought me… himself! Thank you!

I’ve got 2 treasure maps, 2000 gold and 1 event key :smile:
Many thanks :smile:

thank you very much sir

Thanks a lot!

Thanks! I received exactly the same treat as DonBoba. Pretty nice =)

Happy holidays!

omg i was one of the hundred i did not expect that

Cheers - Merry Crimble !

Code invalid. Guess they all got used. :anguished:

It’s 3 a.m. here. Do you just not like us here in the States or what?

Only English people will understand that!

I was too late for this too and I live in the Netherlands, so you’re not alone in missing out… :wink:

I guess my kids picked the wrong day to sleep late… :smile:

11 replies, 45 views… AND all gone.

45 views and the code was used 100 times… hmmm, something smells fishy…

the code is on facebook page…so

Ah… obviously…

Drat, had to be AFK the last few hours. … I’ll live.

Crap snooze I lose!