9 months and still no The Ruby Macaque

It has been 9 months and still no The Ruby Macaque for players who did not buy the content. I understand there is waiting, but this is ridiculous.

Please fix.


Broken Spire is in 2 weeks and Blighted Lands is in September. Hope you got the one from Dragon’s Claw when it came thru.


No one should have to wait a year. Its normally 6 weeks after a campaign.

All the “triple craft weapons” operate this way - Dawnbringer, Duskbringer, RM. Gotta get the components as the kingdoms roll thru.


Sadly, this is how Switch players have felt ever since the synch. Imagine waiting for over a year’s worth of missing mythics and weapons from 4 campaigns.

I’m a patient man, but many players just left and said to hell with it.


Not Dawnbringer, its components are always in the soulforge.


Good look I got confused with that “totally worth it” Mythic Xathenos :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I remember missing out on forging Rope Dart a few years back and then waited …17 months for it to return to the forge. This game is, and always has been, a marathon. Patience is a requirement.


They have not always been that way. After x many months they should have a 1 time get all 3 weapons. I am only hanging on to a string to get the last TOD spear weapon. After that, the game is too much of a chore.

Yes, it HAS always been this way in the game, I’ve been playing it .a very long time. There are now 38 kingdoms with one featured weekly. So even if they were rotated in cycle, each would appear (with their weapons) in the Soulforge only once every nine months, But the kingdoms aren’t rotated in order, never have been.

So, yes, this game requires patience. For me, it has only made the achievements all the more rewarding.

One thing that would be good to see is the number of mythic troops increased from four to five weekly in the forge. Once upon a time, this number was increased in proportion with the total pool. For some reason this pattern has stalled.


It started with pay to win campaigns. Before that it was not like this. But still we should not have to wait a year. I have all the achievements and making them a grind is not a good thing. I really wish they would stop adding achievements.

Still pretty mad about the so called compensation we got as well. It was nothing more then an insult what they eventually gave which was late as well without much communication either.
Really struggling nowadays to like the game as so much is wrong and instead of fixing things they add more stuff that causes problems while barely adressing the bigger issues.

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