[9/30] Join 🛸 🛸 WALKR FORTRESS 🛸 🛸 | PC/Mobile Ranked 2267 | 21 Seats Open | Min Reqs: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | Yup, we're casual af

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  • Play Gems of War with me and my literal family and friends!
  • Get some free keys each week! Only two of us are paying in right now so don’t expect much!
  • Sometimes we hit 5k guild seals!
  • I think it’s literally impossible to be more casual-er than us!
  • We have a real life text chain because half of us are too old to use Discord!

Are YOU a casual GoW player in a do-nothing guild? Do you want to join a guild that’s a TINY BIT LESS do-nothing? Join Walkr Fortress! It’s a guild name my mom made up because we played a different mobile game together!

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Just wanted to say that i enjoyed your recruitment post! It made me :smile:

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Thanks! Hopefully someone finds it compelling! :rofl:

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