8.3 feedback from players

Please fix the notification issue!


I just don’t understand devs’ obsession with having to put post battle rewards on a strip that inevitably goes off the screenm which goes years back. In the underworld too, when you use the summoning portal you get this ridiculous one-card-at-a-time showing of the rewards. Why is it not acceptable for them to just show the list of rewards in the middle of the post battle screen? Or having a grid of icons let’s say 5x5 or whatever it needs to be IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN so we don’t have to scroll left or right to see everything we got after the battle. And why do we have to do click-click-click in order to finally arrive at the final screen. Why do we have to click 5 times in order to see the contents of the delve chest or what kind of orb we got or to combine medals into higher tier? It’s like they are making money on the amount of times you have to click to see what you have in the game.


First of all - yes, it increases time spent, which is one of the biggest achievement for analytics. Second it gives you feeling of pride and accomplishment.


Can underspire remember the teams?


Well, it all depends on the player, I guess. It might give you a sense of pride and accomplishments, but I get those from other things, not from GoW. Just the opposite, it gives me a sense of being annoyed.


I don’t get it. Pride for accomplishing clicking things? I’m not saying that is what you mean. I am just trying to understand the accomplishment we are feeling proud about.


Did I miss the increase in burning marks availability for players not buying the pvp pass? What is the point in having a more costly chest when you can open like 3. Where is the daily ability to get burning marks like we do with dragonite? Why is it 2000 VP per pass level. Every level should have a reward for every player. Make that lower, it should not be a grind to complete a season pass. See other games. Also, the PVP Goal requirements are way to high. Seriously are you only pandering to the super grinders? You have some that are time gated also. Why.


As long as silver marks are in burning chests at all my wallet is closed and will remained closed. I will never buy a season pass.

Devs you basically said “we know you hate silver marks in burning chests but we need a way to screw you on rng to frustrate you into buying more.”


Haha ok. I somehow had no idea that even happened. :rofl: Thanks for explaining the comment!

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I like the fact that Epic Burning chests have no marks in them.

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Get rid of icons and they’re perfect for me.


I really wish I could customize which rewards got highlighted on the post battle screen. Most of the time it seems to be stuff I don’t actually care about.



as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words:

so before opening it… that’s 20 Epic Burning Chests. Doesn’t sound like much, but that’s equivalent to 50 original Burning Chests.

I guess I can kinda agree with my words saying I like them more when Icons don’t show up.

It is a little pricey though.

I’m obligated to say Epic Burning Chests are better since original Burning Chests are just that terrible. I don’t think EBCs are at that sweet point to convince everyone, but it doesn’t take much to not like the originals.

EBCs might be too expensive though


I opened 2 single EBC to try for Ossifer and both gave me bronze icons…F me!!! I then said screw it and opened the rest in a 20 lot and got similar results to yours.


Deathly sick of PVP, likely won’t ever touch it again, so I was down to my last 50 burning marks. Spent them on two “epic” chests, got two silver icons.

If your goal with 8.3 was to continue weaponizing RNG to make players hate your game, devs, congratulations. It’s working.