8.3 Epic Burning Chests Update Patch Notes

Originally published at: 8.3 Epic Burning Chests Update Patch Notes – Gems of War

As PvP Seasons progress, and we add more Immortals, we wanted to include a means for players to have a chance to target the Immortal Souls they need. Introducing… the Epic Burning Chest! Epic Burning Chests will rotate weekly and contain the following: Seasonal Featured Immortal Souls 3 Randomly Selected Immortal Souls (that rotate weekly)…


Why? Why would you do this when the consistent feedback is that players do not want icons at all.


WOW this was the hurry!


You did not need to make epic burning chests, all you had to do was take out icons and silver marks. You guys really do not listen at all


Thank you, I will play GoW until Sunday, but after that I can leave GoW without any worries.
Thank you so much for the great update.
I continued to play GoW even though I felt it was a waste and an obstacle in my life, and my level is now over 1900, but I can finally get my free time back.
Thank you so much for the great update.


WHY Burning Chests changes have been made in the middle of the current season???

It will be the best move you ever make. Trust me


So… you thought in PvP the minor wind traitstone (and not VP) is the best thing to put as the major reward? It’s not visible without scrolling…

As it shows after the end of battle:

After scrolling waaaaaaayyyyyy to the right.


Yes, this is silly, VP needs to be top row in pvp.

It also now takes 2 clicks on a controller to get past the victory screen if the rewards on the bottom bar exceed 7 items.


Yup, the (allegedly hard to reproduce) non-restriction-compliant region Immortal teams disappearing continues.
:person_shrugging: :zipper_mouth_face: :vulcan_salute:


Sometimes it’s all about ‘messaging’……if they actually have fixed all the bugs they say, then they should have led with this as the ‘aim’ of the update, and only at the end made mention the minor changes to Burning Chests and introduction of Epic Burning Chests.

As it was done however, it appears like just another monetisation, and poorly done attempt at that.

In addition, they’ve gone radio silent on when the ETA is for iOS is expected to be available. (Hours, days, weeks…?)


Oh come on, devs. This HAS to be the easiest bug to reproduce, ever. PLEASE fix this ASAP, this is unreasonable. Just in case you forgot, you released this big thing called “immortals”, which were to be a huge deal in PvP - and yet the game is showing us the middle finger and keeps clearing the teams, if we’re trying to use the immortals as advertised!


I refuse to believe that they can’t replicate this issue.


Science experiment! :stuck_out_tongue:

The aims of the update were to:

  1. Give a way to target specific Immortal Souls to address player concerns about the drop pool for Immortals spreading too thin as more are added, making it harder to upgrade the Immortals they already have. Epic Burning Chests main purpose is targetting Immortals, it is not meant to be better than the normal Burning chests in general. It has a specific function.
  2. Improve the Kingdom Quest Map system, which will mostly affect new players (and is also therefore important)
  3. The battle reward screen has gotten unweildy over the past 10 years so improvements were due.
  4. Fix the soft locking issues and issues with summoned Troops stats.

We heard you all say too many new IAPs back to back, so we didn’t include one in this update.

Further bugs weren’t fixed in 8.3 simply because we only have so many hands to code with and can only hit a certain WPM, we still have bugs lined up to work on both as server fixes and for future updates. The Immortal team reset bug is one we have on the list as a community priority which means it will be bumped up and done as soon as it fits in to everything else that’s going on!

As always we’re taking your feedback and keeping it in mind for future updates, this is a live service game, everything is in a constant state of evolving, hardly anything is set in stone! :slight_smile:


If the top bar in the victory screen is for ‘important’ rewards, could you please put VP rewards in PVP on that bar, since it is THE reason we are even there.



I clicked too quickly, so no screenshot… And monolith sigils dropped from valhawks should also go in the top row.

And I suppose any event sigils from ravens in any events too.


I’ve just looked over some of the plans we have so I could also share some more info about further plans relating to 8.3 that weren’t mentioned in the patch notes already, there’s no doubt a lot more than this so if you have questions about anything not on this list that is related to the things that were updated in 8.3 specifically, let me know and I’ll add a comment about it to this post.

DISCLAIMER: Please remember this is not an exhaustive list of everything the community wants or thinks is a priority - some of these aren’t a priority AT ALL. These are just plans or considerations born out of or somehow related to 8.3 development.

This is a tiny tiny window and purely informational about what we have on our exhaustive to do list.

Things we’re definitely doing:

  • We’ll be adjusting how we categorise Major and Minor Reward types as we go, based on your feedback.
  • Making PVP Goals bonus VP reward count in Season Pass (hoping this will be before the end of the year)

Things we’re considering/would like to explore in the future:

  • We’re considering adding more progress bars to the battle results screen, such as how much VP needed towards the next Alliance Rank or Season Pass Reward, Progress towards the next Weekly Goal Reward, Progress towards campaign task completion, Champion XP needed to next Champion level etc
  • Adding player profile pics back to the PvP battle results screen (community request)

Typing this up gave me an idea for another thread in the spirit of open comms with you folks, sec.


Here’s what I assume is a visual bug on the new reward screen.

You can see I completed Level 5 Ullor’s Henge, but the reward picture says Sheggra’s Cavern.


Looks like “sheggra’s cavern” is the default/placeholder display image/icon, I played my monolith battles in Oracle Tower in Southwild, and got Sheggra’s Cavern icon on the end-battle screen too.


I’m sorry to bother you. But please, could you tell us if there are any plans to increase the number of mythics in the Soulforge?
The mythic cycles are way too long!