8.1 Hotfix

Originally published at: 8.1 Hotfix – Gems of War

Hi Adventurers, Today we’ve released a hotfix for game version 8.1 which contained the following fixes: Fixed a bug where tapping a button between the end of a battle and the Victory screen appearing would cause the game to freeze, soft lock or crash Fixed an issue where the Legends Reborn Reward Tier Unlocked graphic…


Thanks 10 char

How about we fix an issue where players are expected to devote their entire lives to pvp each season in order to reach 800k vp. For the record I have reached 800k vp and will not be doing so agin, it’s too much to ask of the player base.


It’s 5 Gold Marks (and worthless Silvers) per day for Great General - times however many days left in the Season once achieved it’s not a whole hill of beans to die on. I’m all for lowering the reqs but I appreciate there’s something in the game for players that want to grind without it being some crazy high reward undeserving of simply “having no life” (read: me).


If the goal was more reasonable I would be enjoying the challenge of completing it. Like I said I reached 800k and all it did was kill all desire to play more pvp in the future. There’s also 0 chance of me ever buying the pvp pass again. None of this update is worth the time or effort required


I hear ya - personally I’d rather they keep the tiers the same but juice the rewards. 10 GM per day would be delicious (and more worth the grind I’m sure you’d agree being there as well). As far as the Season Pass meh there’s worse things I’ve spent money on in this game (and for sure in life) - I have all Goals done except Vanguard tier 3 without spending anything aside from the Pass and have all the Immortals at various levels. An ok way to pass the time. And at the end of it all that’s what this game is - a way to pass the time. Think Great General is too high? Don’t go for it! Season Pass not worth it? Don’t buy it! I’m still peeved at the lack of comms these past weeks with the bug but imma go at least a day now that it’s fixed before I start complaining about essentially nothing.

”…or do I owe her an apology?” -MiB


Well for once, I’m happy enough to be glad for these fixes as they are and save PvP Season Pass related pain points for a different day/different topic.


How 'bout lowering the required VP to buy the PvP Mythic since 150,000 VPs is asking for too much.

Android Play Store still says 8.1.0: I’ve been waiting at 8.0 until the crash issues are ironed out…

Assuming this Fix resolves the 8.1 crashes: do I need to wait until Play Store displays 8.1.x ?

Or updating now will already incorporate the fixes?

:thinking: :person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:

yeah it´s ridiculous. i do my battles each day (except 1 reward from pvp pass i have all burnt marks collected). i collect all 3 ravens per day do these too. finish the vp to level 20 each week (and go far above the required 6,5k for that)and i´m now a little bit over 200k vp total. lol.
whoever made these requirements from the devs NEVER played their own game…


Thanks for the fix,was highly frustrating…Since bug appeared when a vault event was running i think it would be a nice gesture to your player base to give another vault event instead of generic 50 gems normally given

This made me laugh out loud. I just hit Praefect this week and even that feels like too much for me - I can relate. So I won’t do it next time. If I buy the season pass again, I will just skip this reward. I literally don’t have enough time to be playing this much PVP every week - missing out on too much IRL.

As far as buying the next season pass - it will depend on what’s in it. If there’s any kind of parallel with Immortals to Doomed Weapons offerings - i.e. first batch pretty awesome, followed by many mediochre (at best) weapons - then likely no thanks.

Kids, do yourselves a favor and listen to the many other players that have already posted this: burning marks packs are a giant disappointment. Save your $$$ for things that will give you guaranteed rewards, like deathknight armor and campaign passes.


Khafru still locks the game during battles!

Or should l open the new topic?!

The bug with Pharaoh Kafru is probably a separate one from the victory screen crashes. It’s been said the devs have been able to replicate it in testing, but not reliably – it appears to be very timing specific. Understanding why/how it occurred and how to resolve it is a lot more complicated when the incidents are unpredictable.

Where is the compensation for completely wrecking the vault event? I miss the 50 gems? Lol


Thank you for your reply.

Dear @devs - could you please stop introducing new contents and mainly focus to fix all your bugs, locks, crashes, flaws, texts etc etc etc.

Just take a look - this forum is flooded with bug reports with no outcomes, nothing!!!
And please don’t worry about compensations, keep that for yourself, just do a proper jobs!

Thank you.